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- About Us
InterStrength Mentorship Circle
Weekly Support and Deeper Dives for
InterStrength™ Alumni
Welcome to our Tribe
"What the world needs now is not more people being labeled. The world needs facilitation that helps people transcend the limitations that they have put on themselves."
Linda Berens
Practitioner Mentorship
Our mission is to help others embrace and realign with innate strengths, eliminate negative stereotypes and encourage growth producing shifts to release our internal and interpersonal strengths. As part of this, InterStrength is committed to providing our graduates access to ongoing professional development, and creating opportunities to continue to showcase our graduates to the world.
What is the purpose of the Mentorship
The primary purpose of the mentorship is to provide a place for you to tap into your inner genius, receive ongoing community, supervision and support. Investing in your training has elevated you to another level of excellence and increased your power to impact those you work with. Joining a community connects you to like-minded individuals who share the same passion for helping others, continues your education and provides meaningful networking opportunities.
- Access to FREE refresher certifications
- Ongoing personal and professional development
- Weekly one-hour, online meetings
- Every Thursday at 10am Pacific Time
- Mentoring and coaching from Linda Berens
- Case consultations
- Access to member's only discussion and learning platform
- $77 a month (that's less than $20 a meeting!)
Please join us!
© 2023. Linda V. Berens. All rights reserved.
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